Blackberries - fruits are red

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Blackberries In Containers - The Complete Guide To Growing Blackberry
Video: Growing Blackberries In Containers - The Complete Guide To Growing Blackberry


Blackberries - fruits are red

Blackberries usually have deep black fruits that can be continuously harvested from the long tendrils during the harvest period from about the end of July to October. If the fruits of blackberries, on the other hand, are red, this can have different causes.

The color as a gauge of maturity

If you have planted blackberries for the first time in the garden, you may be wondering about unripe fruits in a red hue next to the deep black and blackberry ready to be picked. It is quite normal for blackberries that the ripe fruits hang next to even smaller and unripe fruits on a vine. This makes blackberries into a fruit from which ripe fruits can be harvested continuously. Still red fruits usually need only a few days until they have reached their black state of maturity with sufficient sunlight and heat.

Red spots on the blackberries

If only certain parts of the already black blackberry fruits remain red, then caution is required. In this case, there is a high probability of infestation with the dreaded Brombeergallmilbe. These animals, which are difficult to recognize with the human eye, suck the juice from individual parts of the blackberry, which is composed of many individual fruits as a collective stone fruit. As a result, the affected individual fruits are disturbed in their development and remain red. Infested fruit should be removed and the following measures are also recommended:

These measures may help to control the infestation of blackberry mite without chemical stress on the fruit.

Red blackberry varieties in the garden

Today there are not only black blackberry varieties through special breeding, but also red varieties. The variety Dorman Red provides plump, red blackberry fruits that look a bit like raspberries. Nevertheless, this berry variety is one of the blackberries, which is why it needs the same care as black blackberry varieties.

Tips & Tricks

It can be visually appealing to alternate black and red fruity blackberries with a trellis. In addition, the different fruit colors also provide optical stimuli during processing in the kitchen.