On the rise - the red mulberry

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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On the rise - the red mulberry

So far, they have been found almost exclusively in botanical gardens, but now they are also conquering the private gardens - the red mulberry. She is well on the way to outranking the black mulberry in Germany.

The red mulberry is actually native to North America, so it is called American mulberry. It is considered one of the mulberry trees. Their fruits turn dark red, sometimes almost black. Then the fruits can hardly be distinguished from the black mulberry. The trees can not confuse a connoisseur with each other.

The optics of the red mulberry

Mostly, the red mulberry is about 10 to 15 meters high, where she likes it very much sometimes up to 20 meters. It has a greyish-brown bark that breaks up in old vertical stripes as it ages. The roughly serrated leaves are very variable in shape, from ovate to heart-shaped, lobed several times and unlipped. In autumn, they turn golden yellow.

Depending on the variety, the flowering period of the red mulberry is from April to June. The flowers resemble the pussy willow. Female inflorescences are only about 8 to 12 mm long, male, however, with about 3 to 5 cm in length much larger.

The benefits of red mulberry

The red mulberry is one of the so-called smart plants or pointer plants that show the spring, because they only go out when the last frost is over. This makes them very popular with vegetable gardeners. So they know exactly when frost-sensitive varieties may be planted outdoors or sown.

Because of its interesting growth, the red mulberry is ideal as a decorative tree for large gardens, but also as good as a fruit tree. Because their fruits are very tasty. They are ready for harvest in the summer, very sweet and juicy. Unfortunately, they are not very durable. Within a few days they spoil, so they should be processed quickly.

All the advantages of red mulberry at a glance:

Tips & Tricks

If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, decorative and at the same time useful, then the Red Mulberry is just the thing for you.