The characteristics of the red beech

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Strange Plants That Look Like Human Body Parts
Video: Strange Plants That Look Like Human Body Parts


The beech does not always carry red leaves

The characteristics of the red beech

The most common deciduous tree in Europe is the European beech. It grows mainly in forests and is also like pulled into parks and gardens. European beech trees have some characteristic features that enable a clear tree determination.

Important features of European beech

European beech trees, which are in the middle of the forest, have a very smooth trunk, in which the crown begins only several meters high.

If the beech stands alone in the park or garden, there are also branches on the lower trunk. Free-standing trees protect the trunk against excessive sunshine and wind through the leafy branches.

Why does a beech bear green leaves?

Despite their name, beech trees have green leaves. The name red beech is due to the reddish wood.

There are also beech trees with red leaves. This is then a blood beech. Their leaves contain a lot of red dye, which overlays the proportion of green dyes. This beech is a mutation.

In autumn, the leaves of beech and beech turn to a bright orange red. In contrast to other deciduous trees, the leaves of the European beech often hang on the tree until next year.

Beech trees are a coveted timber

The beech wood is used for many purposes:

Beechwood contains little moisture, so it can easily be burned in the fireplace.

The fruits of the European beech are slightly poisonous

Bucheckern are the fruits of the European beech. They contain the toxins fagin and oxalic acid, which are toxic to humans and horses.

In times of necessity, beechnuts were also eaten. When the fruits are roasted or otherwise heated, the toxins degrade so that the beechnuts no longer trigger poisoning.


Hornbeams look very similar to beech trees. They can be recognized by the fact that they are much smaller in nature. The leaf shape and the stem are also different from the beech.