Plant rosemary - That's how it works

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant rosemary - That's how it works - Garden
Plant rosemary - That's how it works - Garden


Plant rosemary - That's how it works

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is quite undemanding and feels at home in the garden as well as in the pot. The cultivation of sun-hungry half-shrike succeeds with little effort, provided you follow our tips.

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At which location does Rosemary feel particularly well?

Originally the spice shrub comes from the Mediterranean region and is therefore used to a lot of sun - the more, the better. He likes most of all a sunny, sheltered place. Half-shade is often tolerated by the plant.

Can I just sow rosemary or should I prefer plantlets?

Most rosemary varieties - apart from some newer varieties - are quite sensitive to cold, so a direct sowing in the bed should be done at the end of May / early June at the earliest. Far more promising, however, is to pull the young plants on the window sill in front and implement later in the garden bed. However, rosemary does not germinate very reliably.

When is the best time to plant rosemary?

Rosemary should be planted best in late spring, about one to two weeks after the end of the ice saint.

At what distance is rosemary set?

The subshrub is quite vigorous and therefore needs space - in its countries of origin, rosemary can be up to two meters high and is therefore also grown as a hedge. In the bed, a distance of about 50 centimeters is recommended, as an individual plant, you can treat your rosemary quiet up to a square meter.

Which earth needs rosemary?

Like almost all Mediterranean herbs, rosemary prefers a dry, lean and calcareous soil. The pH should be in the neutral to alkaline range, but should never be acidic. Too much moisture does not tolerate the plant at all.

Can you transplant rosemary?

Yes. Dig it with the help of a pitchfork, then less roots are injured. But beware: rosemary develops numerous, very widely branched and deep roots.

When can I harvest rosemary?

Theoretically, rosemary can be harvested year-round, with the tips of the young shoots in the kitchen being used. Rosemary can also be easily harvested during flowering, as it hardly loses its aroma.

How can I multiply rosemary?

Rosemary is easiest to propagate via cuttings and, if the size of the shrub is large, also via sinkers. An increase in seeds is less advisable, as they germinate only very unreliable. In addition, the seedling does not always develop as you would like. Rosemary can also be multiplied and rejuvenated by division.

Good neighbors / bad neighbors

Rosemary harmonizes very well with other Mediterranean herbs, which have similar demands on care, soil and location. this includes u. a. Oregano, thyme, sage and lavender. Furthermore, rosemary is compatible with fennel, onions or leeks as well as cumin and chamomile. A very bad neighbor is mustard.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to plant rosemary as a balcony plant, then hanging rosemary (for example, the variety, Prostatus') is a pretty variant. Hängerosmarin is also doing well over a natural stone wall.