Why does my fruit tree have spikes?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Indoor Orange Tree ... has THORNS!
Video: Indoor Orange Tree ... has THORNS!


Wild fruit trees may have spikes

Why does my fruit tree have spikes?

Many a gardener has already discovered a plum or apple tree that has suddenly grown in his garden, which he has not planted himself. In fact, many fruit trees also tend to self-seed or root-shoot themselves. Especially the plum-like varieties such as plums, plums, mirabelles and Renekloden tend to form thorns or spines.

Bedorn fruit tree is mostly wildling

Plums as well as many plum-like fruits such as plums, mirabelles or rennekloden come from the so-called sloe plum, which is still sometimes found in nature today. There are also other wild plum species that are often used as a vigorous rootstock for breeding varieties. Now it can happen that these documents expel root shoots that suddenly look quite different from the grafted variety - and often have thorns. Also, a fall of the fruit tree or a strong pruning can cause suddenly the wild surface expels. This means that if your garden suddenly grows plums, mirabelles or prunes with cherry thorns, then these are wild forms.

Can you eat the wild fruit?

Wild Mirabellen and Co.you can eat safely, of course, because of the thorns you have to take care of the harvest. However, it is not sure if these varieties actually taste. Some wild fruits are sweet, juicy and are the noble varieties - except that they are usually much smaller - in no way. Others have a sour, floury taste, but are often suitable for cooking. This way you can make delicious jams, a delicious jelly or a fine liqueur from wild plums (often only with lots of sugar!). Other wild plums, on the other hand, are neither suitable for fresh consumption nor for boil-in. What exactly applies to your wildling, you can only find out by trying out.

What can one do with the spined plant?

If you have found a spiny plant in your garden, you have these options:

You can also remove the spined shoots as young shoots, preventing the pad from sprouting. On the other hand, if you let the wild tree grow, it will produce fewer and fewer thorns over the years.


Spines and thorns are not synonyms, but have emerged botanically completely different. Both have developed, however, because the plant fights against predators.