So you plant roses in the spring

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Grow Roses - This Is What Professionals Do!
Video: How To Grow Roses - This Is What Professionals Do!


Container roses can be planted practically all year round

So you plant roses in the spring

Roses should preferably be planted in the fall, because especially the root-bare specimens come at this time fresh from the field in the trade. However, for various reasons, planting in spring may become necessary. This should happen as early as possible on bare root roses - at best on a frost-free day before the beginning of April. Container roses, on the other hand, can in principle be planted throughout the year.

Choice of location

Roses prefer a sunny to partially shaded spot, where they are illuminated by the sun for at least four hours each day. Although the flowers, which are quite sensitive depending on the variety, prefer a warm, but not too warm, place - the "queen of the flowers" prefers airy to even a bit windy, as it can not tolerate great heat development. Also look for a humus-rich, loose and well-drained soil that is at best a mixture of humus soil with clay and sand.

Prepare roses for planting

Before planting your bare root roses in spring, you should thoroughly prepare both the planting site and the plants themselves. Keep in mind that bare root specimens are at rest and should therefore be placed in the garden as soon as possible - ie before the first sprouting.

Plant roses - That's how it works

After the necessary preparations have been made, you can now have the rose on a frost-free day - the ground must not be frozen! - plant.


Since the planting especially of bare root roses should be done very early in the spring, it is very likely that night frosts are to be expected. Before that you should protect the freshly planted rose, for example with the help of spruce or fir branches.