Panicle hydrangeas are particularly hardy

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer
Video: Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer


The panicle hydrangea is considered very hardy

Panicle hydrangeas are particularly hardy

In the large hydrangea family the panicle hydrangeas are considered particularly hardy.

Panicle hydrangeas tolerate frosty temperatures

The hardy panicle hydrangeas withstand adverse temperatures and even ice and snow. If their shoots freeze in the winter, that's not tragic, after all, the bushes sprout again in the spring. Nevertheless, the renewed exodus can be made more difficult once all the aerial parts are frozen away. For this reason, it is advisable to provide the panicle hydrangea with a winter protection. For this purpose, you can very well use brushwood as well as fir or spruce branches and mulch the root area with bark mulch or similar.

Flowering is not endangered by frost

In contrast to the farmer's hydrangea, the frost of a panicle hydrangea can not harm, after all, it blooms exclusively on the young, this year's shoots. In addition, the old wood is cut out in the spring anyway. It becomes dangerous only if the plant is animated by a very sunny location or mild temperatures very early to the budding and finally surprised by late frosts - especially around the time of the Eisheiligen in mid-May. In this case, the fresh shoots freeze with the new flower buds and the flower may fail. The resourceful gardener thus provides for threatening late frosts for a corresponding protection.

Protecting young specimens

Many young plants are very sensitive to frosts, as the panicle hydrangea is no exception. Therefore, very young specimens - for example, in the first year and perhaps also in the second year - should preferably overwinter under cold-weather conditions and never remain outdoors. If necessary, you should dig up the shrub again and keep it in a bucket.

Panicle hydrangeas in the pot over-winter correctly

Older specimens in larger buckets, provided they are provided with protective mats, can usually overwinter in the open air without problems. For this purpose, place them in a secure location, such as B. to a heat radiating house wall. However, if the planter is smaller than about 40 to 50 centimeters in diameter, the Topf hydrangea should overwinter in the house, in the apartment or if necessary in the garage or in the basement. The environment should be frost-free, but cool and bright. However, lack of brightness can be corrected with the help of a plant lamp. Hibernation temperatures between 2 and 5 ° C are ideal.

Tips & Tricks

Panicle hydrangeas also need to be watered from time to time in winter, but fertilization is not necessary.