Peach Red Haven - yellow-fleshed peach with high yield

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
High-yielding and adaptable Red haven peach variety earns Sh15,000 per tree
Video: High-yielding and adaptable Red haven peach variety earns Sh15,000 per tree


Peach Red Haven - yellow-fleshed peach with high yield

The mid-season peach variety Red Haven is known and loved around the world. Originally bred in the US, Red Haven is also well represented in Europe's growing areas. It is the now most famous and widespread "Haven" variety.

Medium sized, juicy fruits

Red Haven was built around 1930 at the US Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station in South Haven. The variety comes from a cross between "Hale Haven" and "Kalehaven" and has been sold since 1940 on the trade. The medium-sized to large, yellow-fleshed fruits weigh about 120 grams and are more rounded. The medium-firm pulp is very juicy, of fine ur and tastes mild sweet and sour. Especially in the fully ripe state, the meat can be solved well from the stone, also it does not brown. Red Haven peaches can be harvested around the fifth to sixth peach week.

Universal variety with good yield characteristics

The variety was mainly bred for yield and taste, less for beauty. In contrast to the ornamental peach "Rubira" the bell-shaped flowers are rather small and ugly. But they tolerate little frost and are self-fertile. Red Haven is fairly modest in terms of location, but good care is essential for a rich and steady yield. Only regular cutting and thinning maintains the performance of this variety.

Cut peach tree

If possible, peach trees should be cut back and thinned in the spring, just before the flowers burst. Most of all, the shoots from the previous year bear, but old wood usually bears no fruit. How to proceed:

Mother species of numerous mutations

From Red Haven in the US so far known some bud mutations: Shoji (since 1955 in the trade), Garnet Beauty (since 1958 in the trade), Early Redhaven (since 1961 in the trade). Red Haven is also the mother of Richhaven. Peaches of the Red Haven variety are not only excellent as a table-topping but also as a canned fruit, d. H. They can be wonderfully processed into jams, jellies, juices, chutneys or preserves.

Tips & Tricks

Weißfleischige peach varieties such. B. Pilot are generally better suited for cultivation in German gardens, as they are less sensitive to diseases and weather conditions. However, Red Haven is a good alternative, but shows a greater susceptibility to ruffling.