Lawn Care: Simply mow or mulch

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
YOU are in the PEOPLE BUSINESS! It is more than Mowing, Mulching, Pruning, Etc.
Video: YOU are in the PEOPLE BUSINESS! It is more than Mowing, Mulching, Pruning, Etc.


When mulching, the grass clippings remain on the lawn

Lawn Care: Simply mow or mulch

The pros and cons of so-called mulching are being debated by turf professionals and hobby gardeners for many decades. From traditional grass cutting, this type of mowing differs only in that our clippings are not shredded as usual in the catcher, but again extra-fine, landing on the green meadow. Hobby gardeners' motivation for this kind of "waste" elimination:

Mulching makes the lawn fit?

Not true, say one. It forms lawn felt that would make the entire area in the shortest possible time unsightly. So a research team had to go, which had set itself the goal of meticulously observing and scientifically investigating a 2,000 m2 of grassland over a period of three years. Experimenter Prof. Dr. med.Karl-Ernst Schönthaler and his men from the Institute for Landscape Development of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna divided the area and cared for half each with traditional or mulch lawn mowers.

Where is the lawn felt created?

First, the most important finding from this long-term test: The formation of the dreaded lawn felt could not be confirmed when mulching. The opposite was the case, because on the area mowed with the grass catcher a considerable shift of the grass species was observed (decrease of the meadowlet and increase of Rotschwingel), which in turn favors the lawn felting in a special way! Thus, not only was it possible to scientifically convincingly refute the long-held prejudice against mulching mowers, but also to work out some previously unimagined advantages, such as the following facts:

A mellow lawn is fresher, more vital and costs less time

Our tip for mulching