Are Ranunculus annual or perennial?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What is the Difference Between Annual and Perennial Plants
Video: What is the Difference Between Annual and Perennial Plants


In our country, the ranunculus usually grows once a year

Are Ranunculus annual or perennial?

Whether in a clear creamy white, a bright sun yellow, a rich carmine red or another shade of color - Ranunculus captivate with their wonderful flower colors and their unique face. Do you have any of them in the long term or are you just one year old?

A tuber as an endurance organ

After sowing, a tuber is formed over several months. It is the enduring organ of ranunculus. Thanks to their work, the plant can persist for many years (perennial). In the tuber, the ranunculus retreats in the fall and back to spring. Towards April, she drives out of her new.

Lifespan - depending on the temperatures

But the tuber is sensitive to cold in many cases and depending on the variety. If the temperatures fall below -10 ° C and the tuber lies unprotected in the field about 5 cm below the surface, it freezes.

So if you plan to cultivate your ranunculus for several years, you should ideally dig up the tuber in the fall and put it in a frost-free place. Good for hibernation are wooden boxes or simple pots filled with soil. Important: Do not pour or fertilize. The tuber should take a rest.

Also the location and the care are decisive

But not only the temperatures play a role in the question of whether a Ranunkel is one year old or perennial. Also the location and the care are essential. Give your ranunculus a suitable location! Ideally, this is partially shaded. The earth should be permeable to water.

In nursing, this is important for the multiple years:


Since ranunculus are inexpensive to obtain both as plants and as mere tubers in trade, you need not make the effort of hibernation mandatory. You can also buy and cultivate new ranunculus every year.