Planting borders: Nice ideas

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Create an outstanding perennial border - how to choose and combine plants
Video: Create an outstanding perennial border - how to choose and combine plants


In discounts ornamental grasses are often combined with beautiful perennials

Planting borders: Nice ideas

Discounts are often narrow and oblong, offering different design options than wider flower beds. In addition, they often decorate a fence, a house wall or other demarcation.Nice ideas on how to plant your borders can be found below.

Plan the border planting

Before you go to the garden trade to get plants for your discounts, you should take time to plan the planting of the trees. Do the following:

Delimit the discounts

One of the most important design elements that you should already consider before planting the discounts is the demarcation. Often, borders border paths, driveways or roads and should be clearly separated from them. This not only visually leaves an impression, but also ensures that the plants do not spread beyond the edge. Most natural stones or brick or paving stones are used for the demarcation. But also elements made of wood come into question.

The most beautiful design ideas

As mentioned, borders are often designed with woody plants in combination with perennials and upholstery plants. Here are three alternative ideas:

The rock garden

Rock gardens are easy to maintain and easy to apply. Often for rock garden borders larger ornamental grasses and possibly a few trees, which need little water are planted. Here you will find an extensive selection of plants for your rock garden. In between, you distribute some beautiful, large stones or figures made of metal and finally distribute a layer of pebbles, so that the discounts completely white shines. If you want to put in a bit more work, you can still create a watercourse or install a small pond.

The spilled flower carpet

Do you have some old clay jugs or planters at hand? Dig this in half, giving the impression that half a pitcher is lying on the discounts and planting from the opening a flowering ground cover, which gets wider and wider as it moves farther away from the bucket.

climbing plants

Is your discounts on a wall? Then decorate them with trellis and plant climbers! Choose hardy plants such as Wild wine, clematis, wisteria or honeysuckle.