Illnesses in the quince tree: recognize and treat

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant Health & Disease Troubleshooting Guide
Video: Plant Health & Disease Troubleshooting Guide


Illnesses in the quince tree: recognize and treat

With the right location, strong quinces thrive. With the help of practical preventive measures, infestation with tan, tan and fire blight can often be prevented. We show you how to easily implement them in your home garden.

flesh browning

At first glance, this disease is not recognizable. However, when she slices the fruit, she reveals herself. Brown spots run through the entire pulp. Causes of this metabolic disease are strongly fluctuating weather conditions or a late harvest.


Harvest the fruits as soon as they get a yellowish tint. In addition, it is advisable to examine the quince during the entire maturation period for any adverse effects. Cut out a picked fruit completely. There is no effective method of combating the disease.

Maintenance Error:

The meat tan also occurs when the lime content of the soil is very low. A high nitrogen content can also be a cause.


This disease is also known as quince rust. A persistent fungal attack becomes visible through damage to the quince leaves. They get small, dark spots and die off early. The main cause is the wet weather.

The resistant fungal spores overwinter on the ground. For this reason, old foliage must be removed immediately with household waste. In addition, in the following year after the last frosts a Auslichtungsschnitt should be on the train. This ensures effective ventilation of the crown. The leaves dry quickly. The fungus can not spread.

Attention: fire blight

This disease is probably one of the most dangerous variants. Immediate action is necessary. To prevent dissemination in other ways. The quince tree is removed from the garden. Dispose of the wood over the regular household waste. Under no circumstances should remnants of the sick tree on the compost.


Fire blight is notifiable.

Tips & Tricks

Small pests should be observed. In general, the quince is very robust against this. In heavy infestations, the use of small farm animals, such as the Asian ladybug may be useful.