Are there different varieties of bamboo fargesia?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fargesia sp. Rufa is the most polite bamboo
Video: Fargesia sp. Rufa is the most polite bamboo


The different varieties of the bamboo Fargesia differ, i.a. in their location requirements

Are there different varieties of bamboo fargesia?

The genus Bambus fargesia includes more than 80 different species of bamboo, which are often sold in this country simply as garden bamboo. Some Fargesien can be up to six meters high, others are content with a height of 1.5 m.

Because Fargesien are hardy and do not form rhizomes, they are very popular as garden plants. They do not proliferate unchecked the whole garden, as can happen with rhizome-forming bamboo species and survive frost to - 25 ° C quite well.

"Chinese Wonder"

Under the name "Chinese Wonder" you get a red bamboo in the plant trade. The intensely red colored stems of this species are not only eponymous but also very decorative. At optimal growth conditions, the stalks grow in the second year and can certainly double their length.

In cool regions it grows very upright and can grow up to 4 m. In milder climates, it grows more like a font and does not grow quite so high. Red bamboo prefers a sunny to partially shaded garden square. The more sun he gets, the more intense the stalks are.

The Muriel bamboo

The Muriel bamboo (bamboo fargesia murielae) grows very fast and can tolerate almost any soil. He is also considered to be particularly undemanding and easy to care for. Therefore, this strain is particularly suitable for beginners.

Fargesia nitida

The Fargesia nitida or dark green umbrella bamboo is ideal for planting a garden pond or as a specimen plant. He does not like full sun, but prefers shadows or partial shade and a sheltered spot. Grown he reaches a height of about three meters. The stalks of the Fargesia nitida are initially green with white pollination, with age they are dark and bluish black. The black bamboo, however, is a completely different plant.

Interesting varieties of bamboo fargesia:


If you always choose your bamboo for the location, you will enjoy your plants for a longer time.