The magnificent candle: hardy in the field?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
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The magnificent candle does not like temperatures below minus 10 degrees

The magnificent candle: hardy in the field?

The magnificent candle (Gaura lindheimerie) is often offered in this country as hardy, perennial perennial in specialty stores. In fact, this grateful perennial is limited to overwinter in the field when it is a mild winter season.

Previous article Cut the magnificent candle properly

The wintering of the magnificent candle in the field

In central Europe, the magnificent candle originating from the border area between the USA and Mexico is hardy only in extremely mild locations on the Upper Rhine or near the coast. In all regions where outside temperatures sometimes fall well below minus 10 degrees Celsius in winter, protected wintering is one of the necessary care measures for the cultivation of magnificent or prairie candles. In any case, magnificent candles grown in the tub must be wintered in a sheltered winter quarter, as their roots are exposed to winter cold even more than specimens in the perennial bed.

The suitable winter quarters for magnificent candles in the bucket

In the bucket cultured magnificent candles can remain until the first night frosts in the fall and winter quite in the open air. For stronger frosts, these should be placed in the brightest possible basement room or in a garage with daylight. The tempered as the living areas conservatory is not suitable as winter quarters for the magnificent candle, as the perennial can exterminate at temperatures above five degrees Celsius premature. The magnificent candle should be protected against dehydration throughout the winter, tolerates waterlogging but very bad. Therefore, the outflow of excess irrigation water should be ensured by sand and gravel in the substrate and holes in the pot.

Protect the magnificent candle from the winter cold

If you really want to overwinter the magnificent candle outdoors, then you should choose a location in front of a south-facing house wall for cultivation. In the open air, avoid the risk of winter waterlogging, so that there is no root rot until spring. In addition, the following care measures increase the likelihood that the magnificent candle will expire the following year:


Even in mild conditions and when growing in the tub, it may make sense to cut back the magnificent candle in autumn. The plant forms hibernation buds and grows more densely branched in the following year.