Harvesting leeks - How to get the leeks out of the ground.

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Leeks from Sowing to Harvest
Video: Growing Leeks from Sowing to Harvest


Harvesting leeks - How to get the leeks out of the ground.

Leeks are among the vegetables that take a little longer to mature. After cultivating the plants for many weeks after sowing, the time for the harvest has finally come. It starts in August or October!

Early article Leek sowing delicious onion vegetables by yourself Next article Leek - recognize pests and diseases in good time

When is leek ready for harvest?

Five to six months after planting the leek, long white stems and dark green foliage have formed. Now the time has come for the harvest.

Summer pear, which was sown in the spring, must be taken out of the ground before the first frost and quickly processed. Winterporree also tolerates minus temperatures. In the cold season harvest only as many rods as you can consume and leave the others in the bed.

Do not take off immediately after loosening

To harvest the leek, use a spade or a narrow rake. Pierce the implement as deep as possible next to the poles. By leveraging the soil around the rods is raised, so loosen the leeks. This is best done in the morning.

The leek remains in the bed for a few hours. This reduces the nitrate content in the bars. In addition, it is easier to see if the plants are affected by pests or diseases.

Only in the evening the leeks are completely pulled out of the earth. The remains of the earth are shaken off and the soil is pressed again. This prevents pests from nesting.

What to look for in the winter leek harvest?

Winter leeks may stay in the bed until they are used in the kitchen. Do not touch frozen leeks when removing them from the ground. They become soft and mushy and lose their aroma.

Harvesting tips soon:

Tips & Tricks

If the leek beet does not need to be replanted immediately after harvesting, simply cut the leek off. It then forms small onions, from which new plants are created. The roots remaining in the soil also serve to improve the garden floor.