Is Phlox susceptible to disease?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
I Didn’t Realize I Needed Color in This Spot! 🌿// Garden Answer
Video: I Didn’t Realize I Needed Color in This Spot! 🌿// Garden Answer


Phlox is most commonly attacked by mildew

Is Phlox susceptible to disease?

The decorative phlox is neither one of the most susceptible nor very resistant plants. Newer breeds and hybrids are often more resistant to mildew and other pests than some old varieties and generally more robust.

Which diseases are Phlox most likely to suffer from?

Occasionally Phlox is quite susceptible to mildew. Effective treatment is not easy. It is best to tear out the infested plants completely and destroy them. If the infestation is very low, it may be necessary to remove only the affected parts of the plant. Do not dispose of them on the compost. Use the compost as a fertilizer, then bring existing germs back to the healthy plants.

The phlox also suffers occasionally among the little ones. An infestation shows at stunted leaves and stems. Since the few millimeters small Ochen overwinter on Stängelgrund, a treatment is urgently needed. Cut the affected shoots down to the root and dispose of them sustainably.

How to prevent diseases

Especially in monocultures and less natural gardens, the plants are prone to disease and pest infestation, as the flaming flower is no exception. A colorful mixed bed and good care, on the other hand, have a preventative effect. Occasionally rebuild your phlox and do not let the soil dry out too much. This will be good for the phlox and protects against infection. Newer varieties are often bred for resistance.

For Phlox use a phosphate-stressed and nitrogen-poor fertilizer. If the phlox gets too much nitrogen, it will bloom only sparsely or not at all. The same applies if Phlox was planted too deep. The favorite fertilizer is Phlox well rotted manure or compost that you mix in the spring under the ground. Even the right location can protect against pest infestation.

The most important health tips:

Tips & Tricks

Plant parts affected by diseases and / or pests must not be disposed of in compost, otherwise there is a risk of infection for healthy plants that are fertilized with them.