When do you cut the phlox?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cutting Back Summer Phlox
Video: Cutting Back Summer Phlox


Always trim faded inflorescences immediately

When do you cut the phlox?

Phlox is available in such different variations that it is not possible to give a uniform care or cut recommendation for all varieties. Depending on the flowering time and growth form, cut back your poppy flower in spring or autumn.

Annual pheasant need no cut. The perennials, on the other hand, benefit from a regular cut. For example, the soil-covering varieties form a denser and more uniform carpet through the cut, and early flowering varieties may blossom again.

The autumn cut

For early flowering varieties of the phlox I recommend pruning in the fall after the plants have flowered. Cut the perennial about a hand's breadth above the ground. If seeds have already formed, then collect them before the cut. They usually germinate easily, even if they are only loosely scattered in the flowerbed.

In addition to the regular cut you should of course already during the whole year withered and / or withered parts of plants. Not only does it look nicer, it also helps your Phlox stay healthy.

Cut back in the spring

If your phlox does not flower until late summer or into fall, do not cut it until next spring. Until the next flowering he has enough time to recover and expel. So your plant also has a good winter protection right away.

By clever cut to extend the flowering period

As a rule, the buds and flowers of the flaming flower are all formed at the same time. This looks beautiful, but the flowering time is unfortunately relatively short. Extend the flowering period by cutting back some of the flower stalks by about one to two thirds before the buds form. They go out again and will bloom later.

You should note this:

Tips & Tricks

Early flowering varieties of the phlox cut best in the autumn, late flowering varieties in the next spring.