Typical pests in the plum tree

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plum Tree Pests
Video: Plum Tree Pests


Typical pests in the plum tree

The Prunus domestica is one of a resilient Spezi. With proper care and optimal location, it will last many years. Fruits ripen in July. Find out in this article which pests feel good on the plum tree.

Early article diseases in the plum tree: recognize, treat, prevent Next article ennoble your own plum tree: That's how it works

Floury plum louse

The Hyalopterus pruni is difficult to recognize. Often she is noticed only in the advanced stage. Weakened and diseased plum trees are to be treated immediately.

Effects of this pest appear in different ways. On the one hand, the plum-lice may favor infestation with other pests. It also transmits viral diseases.


distinguishing features:

In the advanced stage plum lice are recognizable by strong deformation and discoloration of the leaves.


The destruction should take place at the latest in autumn. Commercially available compositions based on potash soap are suitable.

Plum Leaf Beutelgallmilbe

On the leaves of the plum tree are formed bag-shaped, about two millimeters large bile. These are stored by bag galls there.

distinguishing features:

During bud swelling, bile gall mites deposit their bile on leaves. From there, the mites infest the flower buds and suck them out.


Measures to destroy the pests are effective at this early stage. There is no suitable pesticide for allotments. For this reason, remove affected leaves, branches and fruit buds. Adult females of the bile gall mites like to overwinter under the tree bark. Remove loose bark pieces early.


Regular monitoring is considered an effective prevention method. In addition, a care cut protects.


The females of this species produce about 70 eggs per year. These are placed directly in the calyx in spring. Thus, the offspring is well supplied with food. Small larvae destroy between four and six fruit goblets. Then they turn out to be on the ground.

distinguishing features:


Basically, no measures are necessary in light infestation. It is possible to hang white glue boards directly in the plum tree during flowering.

Other pests

Prevention instead of fighting

Pests and diseases leave clear traces on green shoots, fruits and leaves. It is worthwhile to check these on a regular basis for infestation. Pay attention to the following abnormalities:

Tips & Tricks

Do not dispose of removed leaves, fruit or plant parts over the compost. In this way, there is a risk of re-infestation in the following year.