Do indoor palms bloom and what does the blossom look like?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Indoor Plants that Flower--for Real!
Video: Indoor Plants that Flower--for Real!


The dragon tree flowers big and yellow

Do indoor palms bloom and what does the blossom look like?

In our apartments and gardens, palm trees are predominantly cultivated because of their attractive leaves. Like almost all plants, these attractive plants also bloom and subsequently produce fruits, such as the delicious dates or coconuts. As varied as the leaf shape and stem formation in these interesting plants, but so are the flower forms.

Flowers, adapted to the site conditions

Palm trees may be monoecious (male and female flowers on a single plant) or dioecious (male or female). There are also hermaphrodite palm species. Species with low prevalence can even change gender.

The flower shape

Palm trees are usually stalls with countless single flowers, from which then develop long stalks with fruits. The flowers are rather inconspicuous and visually unattractive.

At what age do palms bloom?

When a palm flowers for the first time is very different. Some species bear the first flowering after only a few years. Other varieties take up to a hundred years to flower first.

The palm flowers - and dies

Although most species of palms flower every year or even year-round, there are some species of crested palms that die after flowering and fruiting.

Can palms bloom in the room?

With very good care and in an ideal location, cultivated palm trees flourish in the house and subsequently produce fruit. An example of this is the mountain palm, which often flowers in room culture. But even coconut palms and other palm species reward your care with the formation of flowers.


The flowering affects the growth of the plant, which stagnates during this time. If you do not want to harvest the fruits, it is advisable to forego the rather inconspicuous flowers and cut off the flower stem as far down as possible.