Cut parsley - that's how it's done

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cut parsley - that's how it's done - Garden
Cut parsley - that's how it's done - Garden


Cut parsley - that's how it's done

Parsley grows better if you regularly cut a few stems to use in the kitchen. Cutting back encourages the development of new leaves. The plant will then be nice bushy. In addition, remove withered or pest-infested leaves.

Previous article Maintain parsley properly - a few tips on care! Next article Parsley turns yellow: prevention of parsley disease!

Stimulate growth of parsley by cutting properly

If you want to harvest parsley, always cut off the outermost stems.

The stem should have formed at least three pairs of leaves, then the leaves are particularly aromatic.

Cut parsley vigorously before leave

If you foresee that you will not harvest your parsley for a long time, perhaps because you are on vacation, cut back the plants beforehand.

You can remove all stems except for the middle stems. You must not cut back the heart, because the plant then enters.

Pre-cutting prevents leaves from turning yellow while you're away. In addition, they promote the growth of the parsley plant. Upon your return, you can harvest fresh parsley from a particularly bushy plant.

Cut two-year-old parsley

Parsley plants are biennial. In the second year they start to bloom in summer. After that, they are no longer edible because of the toxic Apiol content.

Harvest all plants growing the second year before and freeze the leaves if necessary.

Cutting back before winter is not necessary

Perennial parsley does not need to be cut before winter. At the end of autumn the leaves turn yellow. Finally, the stems retreat by themselves.

Crop the plants again shortly before and freeze them. Then you have until the appearance of new parsley leaves in the spring almost fresh parsley available.

Cutting parsley in the kitchen

To prepare parsley for the kitchen, first wash the picked stems and remove any debris and insects.

Cut off the stems and pluck the leaves from the upper stems. Parsley, which is to be used for decoration, is not chopped, but placed as a whole leaf or small tuft on the plate.

If you want to season quark or other foods with parsley, you should cut them nicely small. Place the still moist leaves on a chopping board, squeeze them together and cut them into small pieces with a sharp knife. Professionals cut parsley with a knife that has two blades.

Tips & Tricks

If you have cut too much parsley, you can store any stems that are not used in the same way in the refrigerator. Put them in a damp kitchen crepe and the herbs will stay fresh longer. But you should not wait too long to process them.
