Common diseases of the peach tree and their treatment

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Common Peach Diseases and Insects and How to Prevent Them – Family Plot
Video: Common Peach Diseases and Insects and How to Prevent Them – Family Plot


Common diseases of the peach tree and their treatment

Peach trees, especially if they grow in less optimal locations, are quite sensitive to pest infestation and many fungal diseases. Read about the diseases, how to recognize and treat them.

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fungal diseases

In principle, fungi can colonize all parts of a tree and damage it so severely that it dies in the event of repeated infestation. In fact, in many fungal diseases only the chemical mace will help, especially with the very common ruffling disease. The best remedy, however, is the prevention: choosing the right location, the regular pruning of the tree and moderate fertilization (especially sufficient, but not excessive nitrogen!).

leaf curl

Above all the leaves show bubbly impurities of white-green to red color and are finally thrown off. The only effective remedy is spraying before the buds break. Currently, there are two approved for the hobby area funds.

Shotgun disease

On the leaves appear small, reddish spots that fall out later. The leaves look like perforated. Also bark and fruits can be affected. A treatment is required in case of increased occurrence, while at the same time suitable fungicides are injected. In addition, infected areas should be removed. To prevent treetops are as light as possible.

peach mildew

Mildew is caused by the fungus Podosphaera pannosa, which spreads especially in summery temperatures and high humidity. The fungus causes white coating on shoots, leaves and fruits, as well as a deformation of the same. In case of low infestation it is sufficient to cut out, in case of strong fungicides it is necessary to spray.

Shoot tip drought

The shoot tip drought is also called branch monilia. It occurs during flowering, especially in rainy weather. Suddenly the flowers wither and wither, and shoots and leaves die off. As a precaution an annual pruning should be done after the harvest. Upon occurrence, infested shoots should be immediately cut back to healthy wood up to 10 centimeters. In case of heavy infestation, you can inject directly into the flowers with a (bee-friendly) organic fungicide.

Monilia fruit rot

The Monilia mushroom infects fruits of all kinds of pome and stone fruits, including peaches. At the beginning, they have small fouling sites, which increase rapidly. Around this arise annularly arranged, gray-brown colored fruiting bodies of the fungus (so-called upholstery mold). The disease is spread particularly by wasps during the fruit ripening. Combat: Slimming the affected fruit, even in winter.


Scab occurs in all core and stone fruit types and mainly affects leaves and fruits. Dark spots form here, hardening quickly. In case of scabs or for prevention, spray with an organic fungicide before and after flowering.

pest infestation


An aphid attack is characterized by crippled and rolled up leaves and compressed shoots. The treatment is carried out with a chemical insect repellent or biologically by beneficials such. B. Lacewing. However, such treatment in the field is not possible, the peach tree would have to be previously wrapped in foil.

Red mite

Spider mite infestations show small, whitish spots on the leaves, and the leaves are lead-gray to bronze-colored. The mites themselves are to be seen as very small, reddish colored animals on closer inspection. The also reddish eggs are laid in winter. Spider mites absorb the juice from the plant and damage it.

Common Napfschildlaus

A bad louse infestation is to be recognized by a (strongly) weakened plant growth, in addition, a black coating on leaves and bark often shows (Russtau). The scale insects themselves are often visible as a black coating on leaves and bark. The treatment is similar to the olive tree.

Tips & Tricks

According to the "Ordinance on bee-harmful plant protection products", it is forbidden to treat flowering plant stands with bee harmful substances. On the packages of plant-hazardous plant protection products is the note "Attention! Bees Dangerous! ".