Peach Cardinal - a delicious dessert of ripe peaches and raspberries

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
PEACH JAM - Easy Homemade NO PECTIN Peach Jam Recipe - Preserving Peaches
Video: PEACH JAM - Easy Homemade NO PECTIN Peach Jam Recipe - Preserving Peaches


Peach Cardinal - a delicious dessert of ripe peaches and raspberries

Peach Cardinal is a classic of French cuisine: poached peaches with raspberry sauce. You will love this recipe! Incidentally, there is still a very old, yellow-fleshed peach variety of this name, which, however, is now very rare to find.

Old, almost forgotten peach variety

Pear trees of the variety "Cardinal" are hardly offered in a nursery or even in a garden center. It is a peach that ripens at the end of August / beginning of September and forms a dark red skin as well as yellow to red flesh. The fruits are medium sized and are described as very juicy and sweet. Like all yellow-fleshed peaches, the cardinal peach is quite sensitive to frost and other unfavorable weather and soil conditions, which is why it thrives best in warm regions. The origins of this peach are in the USA.

Peach Cardinal: Delicious peach dessert

From French cuisine, this classic dessert is hard to imagine: peaches with raspberry puree. A variation of this dessert is peach Melba, which also comes along with delicately melting vanilla ice cream. And here is the recipe:

Mix with a tablespoon of powdered sugar and raspberry spirit (for children raspberry juice).

Tips & Tricks

Make Peach Cardinal with vanilla or chocolate ice cream. If you like it a little fancier, mocha ice cream tastes very good too. The whole thing can be rounded off with a small dash of eggnog over the cream.