The palm gets yellow leaves - is she ill?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Save a Dying Areca Palm
Video: How to Save a Dying Areca Palm


Yellow leaves on the palm may indicate a lack of light or nutrients

The palm gets yellow leaves - is she ill?

Newly bought the palm has only strong green fronds and at best drives the southern beauty already fresh foliage. But at some point, each palm owner noticed: A fan turns first at the top and then continuously to the leaf approach yellow. If this affects several or even many leaves, it is usually not a natural aging process.

lack of light

Almost all palm species are true sun worshipers and love to sunbathe the foliage for several hours a day. If the palm tree is too dark, the subjects initially turn pale green and later yellow. Remedy here a change of location or a plant lamp, which compensates for the lack of light.

nutrient deficiency

Often, the newly purchased palm is in a much too small pot that contains hardly any substrate. As a result, the nutrients quickly consume and the plant stunted. If roots are already growing out of the exhaust hole, it is high time to move the palm tree. Planted in fresh soil, the plant usually recovers quickly.

Moderately but regularly fertilize

During the growth phase you should provide the palm with a suitable fertilizer at 14-day intervals. The dosage depends on the type:

Over-fertilization also leads to yellow leaves

An oversupply of nutrients is at least as harmful as a shortage. If you meant it too well, do not fertilize the plant for a few weeks. Usually the leaf damage disappears by itself.


In winter quarters, the palm often gets yellow fronds. The reason for this is again lack of light. The warmer the plant is in the cold season, the higher the need for light. Here, too, helps a plant lamp, which is turned on by the hour.


Regular spraying with seaweed juice helps to maintain the rich color of the fronds. The product also strengthens the plant's resistance.