Why does not my Easter cactus blossom?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Christmas Cactus (or Thanksgiving Cactus) WON’T FLOWER??? Here is what to do!
Video: Christmas Cactus (or Thanksgiving Cactus) WON’T FLOWER??? Here is what to do!


If the Easter cactus does not hibernate, it does not bloom in spring

Why does not my Easter cactus blossom?

Although the Easter cactus is quite easy to maintain, but that does not mean that he regularly flowers easily and without effort. He is a bit demanding at this point, but he can be helped very easily.

The Easter cactus absolutely needs a hibernation so that it blooms again in the spring. As soon as the buds open, you should not change your Easter cactus. A change of location can very quickly lead to a loss of such attractive flowers.

How can I make my Easter cactus bloom?

Be sure to give your Easter cactus time to hibernate. The temperature should be around 12 ° C to 15 ° C during this time.Do not water your Easter cactus until you get the next flowers. The lighting should also be reduced to less than 10 hours a day. The minimum period for hibernation is four weeks.

If your Easter cactus does not want to flower in spite of adequate hibernation, then check your care measures. Is the plant pot of your cactus big enough? Have you poured and fertilized enough? Maybe you should repot your Easter cactus once. During flowering, your cactus needs slightly more nutrients, but freshly replanted without fertilizer for several weeks.

Can I influence the flowering time of my Easter cactus?

If you want your Easter cactus to flower at any given time, then you can (with a little experience and / or experimentation) really "postpone" flowering. Start the hibernation accordingly sooner or later, or leave your Easter cactus a bit longer in its winter quarters. However, as soon as the first buds appear, you should let nature take its course, bring your cactus to its summery location and water again.

How to make your Easter cactus bloom:


A cool hibernation is the most important measure to bring your Easter cactus to flower successfully.