Which light do orchids want?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How much light do orchids need? - Low, medium and high light Orchids
Video: How much light do orchids need? - Low, medium and high light Orchids


Orchids like it bright but not too sunny

Which light do orchids want?

Your orchids know exactly what they want. At the top of the wish list are bright lighting conditions. Read here what is actually behind this definition. These symptoms indicate the wrong light in the location.

Placid sun is not desired in summer

The Queen of Flowers likes to keep a yard everywhere, where the light conditions simulate as perfectly as possible the conditions at her natural location. Orchids come from the rainforests of tropical regions. Here they sit majestically on the branches, where the canopy filters the sunshine. This is how the expectations of the plants are fulfilled:

So beautifully an orchid in the living room cabinet or wall shelf could set in scene; Under these reduced light conditions you look in vain for the magnificent flowers.

Lamps bring light into dark winter days

Winter is a troubling time for your orchids, as they suffer from months of lack of light. By installing fluorescent tubes with the light color 865 daylight white over the plants, compensate for the deficiency. Equipped with dovetail reflectors, the light output can be additionally increased so that even your young plants do not stop growing in winter.

These symptoms indicate wrong light

In summer, the sun can become the enemy of your orchids if they burn down on the plants unfiltered at lunchtime. Unmistakable symptoms for a sunburn are yellowish patches with a dark border, which do not spread further. Changing or shading the site quickly fixes the problem.

If orchids lack sufficient light, long, puny urges develop. Particularly light-hungry species completely stop growing or discard their flowers and leaves. When the troubled flowers change to a lighter place, they recover quickly.


About the unfiltered sunlight and the fresh air on the balcony, the beautiful Pansy Orchid (Miltonia) is very happy. May she stay here from May to August / September in the light to partially shady place, the pretty flowers show up twice a year.