Cutting the maple correctly - instructions for pruning

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How and When to Trim / Prune Japanese  Maple Trees  -   Follow up Instructional Video / Demo.
Video: How and When to Trim / Prune Japanese Maple Trees - Follow up Instructional Video / Demo.


Maple trees should not be cut during the growth phase

Cutting the maple correctly - instructions for pruning

If a tree pruning is on the care program, almost all maple species show their squeamish side. You do not have to accept unchecked growth and wild gesticulating branches. This guide explains when and how to skillfully trim a maple.

Best cut appointment is in the fall

Most maple species are characterized by a strong flow of sap that only wears off in autumn. If you cut back the tree in the middle of the growing season, the sap flows in streams. In order to prevent bleeding, the choice of dates for the pruning primarily takes account of this particular characteristic of maple trees. These criteria mark the best time:

To prune a maple without strong sap flow, the measure should be completed by mid / end of January at the latest. In early winter, the juice pressure increases already in late winter.

Two exceptions to the appointment rule

Of course, the timetable for tree trimming is not cemented to fall. Tough field maple (Acer campestre) and Asian maple (Acer palmatum) are two exceptions to the rule. So that field maple as a fast-growing hedge preserves its well-groomed appearance, you can cut back long shoots in autumn, in early spring and again in June. The picturesque varieties of the maple tree ideally intersect in spring, just before the leaves sprout.

Preparatory work - you should pay attention to this

Over each pruning tree on the maple dangles the Damocles sword of fungal infections. Please do not intersect the tree or shrub until you have cleaned the cutting tool and disinfected it with alcohol. Before you sharpen the blades with a whetstone, so that the cuts do not fray and call pathogenic pathogens on the plan.

Protect your skin and clothing from the sticky sap.Even in the midst of calm growth, the syrupy fluid flows out of the bark in small quantities as you prune the branches.

Cut management leaves old wood untouched - That's how it works

The careful appointment in autumn and the recommended preparations are the perfect prelude to the expert tree pruning. Follow this guide for the cut, you have done everything right:

Characteristic of maple is that the tree or shrub of old wood does not expel or timid again. Therefore limit the pruning to the area that has grown in the past year. Dead wood should be cut back to Astring and not stump. The small bead (Astring) between branch and trunk must not be damaged.

Thick Maple Tree Branches - How To Do It Right

If you want to remove a thick branch on the old, large maple tree, the measure requires an alternative cut. This is how it works in 3 steps:

Finally, smooth the cut with a sharp, disinfected knife.

When is a tree trimming obligatory?

Its shapely crown unfolds a maple without a regular pruning. In view of the low cutting tolerance you should only trim trees and shrubs of this genus when needed. Nevertheless, in three cases it is indispensable for you to cut back a maple:

Wound closure - yes or no?

Thanks to modern research, wound closure has come under criticism after a pruning. Intensive fieldwork by tree surgeons has provided evidence that air-tight sealing of cut wounds does more harm than good. The injured tissue does not heal like human skin. Rather, a callus layer covers the wound and encapsulates the injured wood. Over this foreclosure then forms fresh wood, called cambium.

The sealing with tree wax would only disturb the natural healing process. Only after a pruning in the fall should larger incisions be treated to protect the valuable callus tissue from frost. For this purpose, coat the wound edges with tree wax or Lac Balsam.


Blending maple trees does not just relate to tree branches and crowns. Occasionally a root incision comes into focus, because there is no gap on the tree disc for a beautiful planting. There's nothing wrong with pruning roots on a well-established maple, as long as you do not remove more than a third of the strands.