How to keep the orchid as a cut flower for weeks - 5 tips for a long shelf life

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Orchid Care for Beginners - What to do after Phalaenopsis blooms fall? Cutting spike & aftercare
Video: Orchid Care for Beginners - What to do after Phalaenopsis blooms fall? Cutting spike & aftercare


The orchid also gives off a beautiful cut flower

How to keep the orchid as a cut flower for weeks - 5 tips for a long shelf life

In the vase orchids are as opulent as a houseplant on the windowsill. So that they do not prematurely fail as a cut flower, keep the flowering with simple tricks. Here are 5 tips for a lavish flowering of up to 4 weeks.

Tip 1: Cut the stem before adjusting

Before you put an orchid as a cut flower in the vase, cut the flower stem at the lower end 1-2 cm. Please use a clean, disinfected knife to prevent germs from entering the ducts. If the stem is still in a transport tube, you can finally remove it.

Tip 2: Use warm water

Give lukewarm water into the vase, show orchids from their most beautiful side. Panicle orchids, like Phalaenopsis, love to be pampered with 35 to 38 degree warm water.

Tip 3: Add regular water

In contrast to their conspecifics in the flowerpot, the water requirement of an orchid as a cut flower is at a high level. Therefore, pour in regularly as soon as the level in the vase drops. Please use lukewarm, filtered water to avoid a cold shock.

Tip 4: Place bright and moderately warm

At the right location, orchids in the vase delight with their exotic magic for up to 4 weeks. Choose a place with these light and temperature conditions:

Cold draft is not good for an orchid as a cut flower. Avoid a location whose windows are tilted for ventilation. Too great is the danger that a cold breeze scares the flowers so that they discard all the flowers.

Tip 5: Cut the stems now and then

After a few days in the water, the stem ends gradually soften. To ensure that the transport of water continues unrestricted, cut the flowering stems fresh every few days.


Do you get to know our 5 tips for a long shelf life only when your orchids as a cut flower already wither prematurely? Then help the tired beauties with a vitalizing treatment again on the floral legs. Cut each stem end freshly. Then place the flowers in a vase filled with fresh, 35-degree warm water.