Guide to the Care of a Phalaenopsis Orchid

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Orchid Care for Beginners - How to water Phalaenopsis Orchids
Video: Orchid Care for Beginners - How to water Phalaenopsis Orchids


The butterfly orchid is very popular with orchid lovers

Guide to the Care of a Phalaenopsis Orchid

It marked the beginning of a successful orchid career for many hobby gardeners. The popular Phalaenopsis is the ideal orchid for beginners because it combines tropical flowers with uncomplicated care. Important questions about the perfect cultivation program are answered by this green guide.

How do I properly water the butterfly orchid?

In order to get a feel for the water needs of a phalaenopsis as an orchid novice, we recommend to dive the root network instead of watering. How to do it right:

If you prefer pouring, please use a jug with a long neck and let the soft water flow very slowly. When the coaster fills, the current need is covered. Since water collected in it is poured after 15 minutes at the latest.

When and how is a Phalaenopsis to be fertilized?

From April to October, a special orchid fertilizer compensates for nutrient consumption. The liquid fertilizer is added to the water with every third dip or pour.If you maintain a year-round flowering Phalaenopsis hybrid, nutrients continue throughout the winter. From November to March, the fertilizer intervals can be extended to 6 to 8 weeks.

May the moth orchid cut back?

As an orchid gardener, you will do a good job of never cutting off green parts of your phalaenopsis. Only reach for scalpel, scissors or knife, when a leaf or a stalk is completely dead. Until then, if the impaired appearance declines without objection, the prudence will have a beneficial effect on the vitality and the willingness to flower of your moth orchid.

Some of the most beautiful butterfly orchids already sprout fresh buds on the lower stem, while the flowers wither in the upper area. In this case, cut off only the dried shoot and leave the green stem approach for a fresh shoot.


Every 2 years, the care program is supplemented by a change to a fresh substrate and a new culture pot. The best time is one day in early spring, just before the new budding. When repotting, please use a special substrate for orchids, because conventional potting soil is completely unsuitable for epiphytic phalaenopsis.