So you manage to replant a sequoia

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Can’t Hear You Now - Mike Shinoda (Official Video)


The sequoia is not planted until it is at least one meter tall

So you manage to replant a sequoia

A sequoia tree must first be grown in a pot. However, since the coniferous tree is showing rapid growth, you should sooner or later transplant it to the open air. If you are unsure about what to do and where to go, you'll find helpful tips and answers here.

What to look out for in the Sequoia?

The right time

Basically, a stature height of one meter is considered sufficient to set the sequoia tree outdoors. However, exercise patience by delaying growth a little, thus increasing the likelihood of healthy and rapid growth. Also, with the next winter in store, it pays to keep your Sequoia in the pot as long as possible. Due to the initial sensitivity to cold, you should transplant your sequoia to the outside in spring. Until the first frost, he then has enough time to get used to the changed climatic conditions.

The siting

At first, your sequoia may appear dainty and small. That will change soon. In a short time, the Sequoia takes on enormous proportions. When transplanting, keep a sufficient distance to buildings or other tall plants. You should also choose a sunny or partially shaded location. Do not expose your plant to strong winds and the blazing sun.

Claims to the ground

The substrate should be nutrient-rich and permeable. On the one hand, the roots should have enough grip, but waterlogging should not form. If the irrigation water can not drain, it will quickly lead to root rot.

Is a later relocation possible?

Once you have planted your sequoia in the ground, it is difficult to implement it again. Although the Sequoia is not particularly deep, underground it spreads extensively. Also, the height of growth reached in a short time makes it difficult to transplant again. Choose the location wisely from the beginning.