What to do when the Sequoia turns brown?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Troubleshooting a Dead Arborvitae in Our Living Fence and Fixing The Problem
Video: Troubleshooting a Dead Arborvitae in Our Living Fence and Fixing The Problem


In autumn, the leaves of the redwood are always brown

What to do when the Sequoia turns brown?

The evergreen, luminous needles are a feature of the sequoia and make it a handsome greenhouse in parks or your own garden. But what if the needle dress suddenly turns brown? What could be behind it and how to prevent the browning, learn here.

Natural brown color

If your redwood has a reddish brown color in the fall, then this is no cause for concern. Sequoiadendron giganteum is a deciduous plant. Before his needles fall to the ground, the green naturally turns brown. However, if your plant is a Coast Redwood, you should be attentive. This species is evergreen. A brown color of the shoots is in this case a clear sign of disease.

Possible causes

Possible causes of browning of the shoots include:

Wrong watering

Although you should keep the soil of the sequoia throughout wet, but the water can not drain, your tree takes great damage due to the waterlogging. This causes root rot.


The sequoia has a large water requirement. In extreme heat his trunk dries out. That makes him susceptible to fungi and pests.

pest infestation

Botryosphaeria dying is a common weakness parasite and is a major threat to your sequoia. Dry summers and inadequate irrigation promote infestation. The actual trigger you recognize only months later. Brown shoots in the crown, however, are a first sign. Later, visible holes form in the needle dress of the crown, from affected shoots exits unusually much resin. The brown coloration of the needles is after some time on the bark of branches over. The parasite uses wounded areas in the bark to get inside the tree.


So that it does not come to the mentioned triggers of a brown color, the following measures help: