Peel off oranges gently

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
INSANE Blackhead Peel with MICROSCOPE!!! (you asked for it)
Video: INSANE Blackhead Peel with MICROSCOPE!!! (you asked for it)


Oranges are best counted with an orange peeler

Peel off oranges gently

Oranges are important suppliers of vitamin C, especially in the winter months, and should therefore not be missing in any fruit bowl. However, the orange can not be "just" eaten like apple or pear, no, an orange must be peeled before consumption.

Peel oranges

There are several ways to rid the fruit of the peel. Everyone certainly has their preferences. It is nice if the fruit is still intact after peeling and can be divided into appetizing crevices.

Peel the orange with the knife

    Cut a thin slice off the stem of the orange. Start at this point to cut off the shiny skin in spirals, similar to an apple. Carefully cut into circles so that the spiral remains whole. Do not reach too deeply, the white skin should completely surround the orange at the end. The pulp should not be hurt. Start now, also from the top, to remove the white inedible skin with a knife. This is relatively easy. Again, do not reach too deeply to keep the pulp intact. Once the white skin is removed, the orange can be divided into individual slits and served.

Peel orange by hand

If you do not have a knife at hand, you do not have to do without an orange. Peel the citrus fruit with your fingers. However, this is a sticky affair.
Simple tips and tricks help with peeling:
Roll the orange on a smooth surface for about a minute, pressing lightly. This makes it easier to remove the shell.
If you have slightly longer fingernails, you can break the shell better.

    Hold the orange in your hand and pierce the glossy skin with the thumbnail in the upper area. Slide your thumb under the shell and tear off piece by piece. If possible, do not reach too deeply so as not to injure the pulp. If necessary, put a kitchen towel under it, or keep the orange over a plate if juice comes out. Peel the orange from top to bottom or circular, just as you can.

Peel orange with the spoon

A very unusual idea to peel an orange is peeling with a spoon. Cut in the fruit in the middle all around. Then take the spoon and guide the stalk at the cut under the skin of the orange, if possible to the very top. Loosen the shell on both halves by moving the dipper around the orange and then pull off the caps.