Plant carnations properly - this is how you go about producing a magnificent flower

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To keep your Pansies looking Full and Flowering all season long
Video: How To keep your Pansies looking Full and Flowering all season long


Planting cloves is child's play

Plant carnations properly - this is how you go about producing a magnificent flower

The wonderfully fragrant and rich flowering carnations (Dianthus) form dense flower carpets. The mostly biennials thrive in almost every garden and require little care. However, location and soil conditions are not the same for all species and varieties, which is why we give you the best planting conditions for popular carnation species here.

Previous article Colorful variety - carnation species for garden and balcony Next article Cut cloves properly

Which location do carnations prefer?

Basically, all carnations, of whatever variety, are very sun-hungry plants. The sunnier the perennials stand, the lush growth and flowering fall out.

In which soil do carnations thrive best?

However, it looks quite different in terms of soil conditions, because the many species of carnation sometimes require very different substrates. You can see the corresponding requirements in the following table. Basically, and this applies to all carnations, however, the soil should be loose and permeable. Waterlogging is to be avoided.

At what time should carnations be planted?

Cloves are best planted in April / May.

Which planting distance should one comply with?

Depending on the species carnations are planted at a distance of about 15 to 30 centimeters.

Can carnations be sown directly?

You can also sow cloves in pots from March / April and put them on the windowsill.

Are carnations suitable for pot culture on the balcony?

Many types of carnation - especially those that prefer lime-rich soils - are ideal for a balcony planting. Some varieties even form hanging flowers that grow up to half a meter from the balcony box.

When do carnations bloom?

Depending on the variety, carnations bloom continuously between June and September.

How are the two-year-old carnations multiplied?

You can multiply carnations by seeds, cuttings also by division.

Good neighbors / bad neighbors

Cloves are very well-tolerated with many other sun-hungry perennials and look very pretty especially in combination with daisies, lavender, foxglove, sage, bluebells or poplars.


If you want to plant carnations in the spring, at best, dig in the fall before the planting site thoroughly and work under mature compost or rotten manure.