Carnations - lush flowers with little care

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
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Video: Secrets of growing fuchsia. How to propagate Fuchsias. How to save fuchsia.


Cloves are very easy to care for plants

Carnations - lush flowers with little care

Cloves form a dense carpet of flowers in numerous different shades between May and August. The popular flowering shrubs are very easy to care for.

How often do you need to water carnations?

Cloves are naturally accustomed to rather dry locations and have adapted their water needs to these. The plants need only a little water and should therefore be cast only with reserve. However, you must not irrigate the perennials, but only water directly in the root area. Flowers and leaves tend to yellow when sprinkled and rotten.

When and with which one should fertilize carnations?

Carnations thrive best in nutrient-poor, barren soils. Therefore fertilization should be very economical. In the case of planted shrubs, it is usually sufficient to supply them with a standard commercial fertilizer in the spring. Cloves cultivated in the pot should be fertilized with a fertilizer for flowering plants about every two weeks.

Can you cultivate carnations in the pot?

Since carnations are very undemanding, they are wonderful for a pot culture. Make sure that the plants do not dry out. But they must not be too wet: A good pot drainage and regular, but moderate casting is immensely important.

When is the right time to cut the carnations?

Bloomed inflorescences cut away regularly. Otherwise, a pruning close to the ground takes place in early spring, before the second sprouting.

Cloves overwinter properly

Many carnations are only one or two years old and therefore do not need to be wintered. Instead, just leave blooms on the stalk and allow the plant to self-seed. Otherwise, most perennial carnations (especially the Kartäusern elk) are quite hardy and need no additional protection. Winter hard pot carnations put in a sheltered corner on a Styrofoam plate and pour it occasionally.

Which pests are common in carnations?

Unfortunately, especially the young shoots are very popular with snails, so you should provide for planted specimens for a good protection - otherwise your carnation plants are eaten ratzekahl soon.

What diseases can occur in carnations?

In fact, carnations are quite resistant, but in unsuitable locations or in too much wetness a fungal infection is not uncommon. In such a case, it usually helps to move to a sunnier and drier location.


Perennial carnation species grow fewer and fewer flowers over time. Prevent this aging process by rejuvenating the affected plants by division.