Which coniferous trees belong to the Flachwurzlern?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Oliver Tree - Cowboys Don’t Cry [Music Video]
Video: Oliver Tree - Cowboys Don’t Cry [Music Video]


The spruce is a Flachwurzler

Which coniferous trees belong to the Flachwurzlern?

Only a few conifers are by nature rooted in the shallow-root species, with their actual root depth and distribution primarily depending on the composition and compaction of the soil.Trees tend to root more deeply in low-nutrient, dry soil than in humus-rich, humid areas. Why the classification by root type is so important, you can now read.

What are Flachwurzler?

Roughly, plants are subdivided into deep-root and deep-rooting plants, the former forming a densely branched root system that remains close to the surface and only slightly in depth. The size of a tree is not a sign of which type of root it is: The giant Dawn redwoods, for example, are among the flatroots, their root system is often not deeper than one to a maximum of three feet into the earth. However, the shallow root system often spreads over a diameter of many meters.

What problems can occur in flat-rooters?

A typical problem of shallow-rooted trees is their often low stability: as a result of a strong storm or after heavy rains, these species can quickly overturn and are then beyond saving. Furthermore, shallow rootlets often need a lot of distance to other plantings so that their roots can spread. Attention should also be paid to planting near house walls, walls and similar structures, as many root systems have destroyed them. However, unlike many other plants, flat-rooted conifers do not form root shoots.

Which types of conifer form flat roots?

Typical flat-rooted conifer trees are

However, this also means that both species can roam easily on sites with a shallow layer of soil, such as in a roof garden. It becomes problematic only when a tall solitaire is exposed to wind and other weather conditions unprotected. In this case, its stability is low. For stabilization, planting should take place in a more sheltered location or mixed group planting, with the different species supporting each other. For this effect to be used, however, the required minimum distance must be maintained.


While it is better not to plant shallow roots too close to houses and other structures, do not put deep rooters over subterranean pipes or pipes. With a bit of bad luck, the roots destroy the sewage pipes or cables.