The sequoia makes no great demands on the earth

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
California’s giant sequoias are pillars of living history. Climate change may kill them
Video: California’s giant sequoias are pillars of living history. Climate change may kill them


Sequoias like humus rich soil

The sequoia makes no great demands on the earth

The sequoia is native to the partly swampy forests of California. Here the earth gives him enough moisture for amazing growth. Would you like to raise a redwood tree? Here you can find out which soil is suitable and how best to enrich the substrate.

The cultivation soil

You should not put the initially sensitive redwood tree straight into the mother earth. The rearing takes place in a specially prepared container, which you ideally cover with transparent material. Not only does this provide sufficient light, it also maintains the moisture that is so important to seed development.

Optimal properties of the substrate

The sequoia loves humus rich soil, but is primarily undemanding. For even better growth, it is recommended to enrich the substrate. Use for it

The sequoia earth in the Kübelhaltung

If you cultivate your Seuoia in the tub, you will have fewer nutrients available due to the limited volume. So here it is important to enrich the soil particularly nutrient-rich.

Prevent waterlogging in any case

Pay attention to a loose, well drained soil condition. Under no circumstances should waterlogging form which leads to root rot. If necessary, drains help drain the irrigation water.