Hauswurz: Plant the undemanding outdoor succulents properly

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hauswurz: Plant the undemanding outdoor succulents properly - Garden
Hauswurz: Plant the undemanding outdoor succulents properly - Garden


Domestic root can be planted both in the garden and in tubs

Hauswurz: Plant the undemanding outdoor succulents properly

The Hauswurz (Sempervivum) is a nearly indestructible thick-leafed plant that can grow and thrive in the seemingly most extreme locations - provided it is sunny and dry there. The shallow-rooted, very species- and variety-rich plant requires little earth and care and greenens rockeries, walls, roofs and other unusual locations.

Early Article Houseleek delights with numerous species and varieties Next Article Hauswurz - Various plant ideas for replanting your home

Which location do house sausages prefer?

Basically, houseleek feels good wherever it is light, warm and dry - the frugal plant prefers a sunny location.

Which soil should be used for house sausages?

Whether the substrate is alkaline or calcareous, most house shrimp simply do not care. The main thing is, the soil is beautiful lean and permeable, then the mountain plant feels well all around.

Where can house roots be planted? What original plant ideas are there?

Hauswurzen make a very good figure in the rock garden, but also green walls or roofs. In addition, the small succulents can be planted wonderfully in the most unusual planters, provided they have a good drainage. Use stone groupings, old roof tiles, old crockery or similar and create an interesting eye-catcher by combining different house roots.

Can house shrimp be cultivated in the room?

Sempervivum needs light, air and, above all, the winter cold. For this reason, the outdoor succulents are not suitable as houseplants, but instead can be pulled very well in small planters on the windowsill or balcony.

When is the best planting time for house sausages?

Container plants can generally be planted throughout the growing season, but the best time to plant is in spring.

At which distance should house shrubs be planted?

Since most house shrimp remain small, they can be planted quite close to each other. However, when purchasing, ask about how big the desired species or variety can be and how big the ideal distance for this variety is.

Can Hauswurzen also sow?

House sausages are good for propagating seeds, provided you have enough patience and tact. The very fine seeds are best sown in small plant pots and placed outdoors over the winter. House sausages belong to the cold germs.

How can house shrimp be multiplied?

Basically, the propagation via daughter rosettes is much easier than by sowing. These secondary rosettes are offshoots that can be easily separated from the mother plant and replanted.

When do house shrubs blossom?

Most domestic shrubs develop white, pink or yellow flowers between June and August. However, this is the case for the first time for specimens aged at least two to three years. Blossomed rosettes can be cut away as they subsequently die off. Domestic shrubs bloom only once, with the daughter rosettes continuing to grow.

Good and bad neighbors

Domestic sausages can be very well sociated with other flat-growing rock garden plants, for example, with low-fat horsetail, saxifrage, thyme, cowbell, checkerboard or Fünffingerkraut.


When planting, mix a little horn shavings or mature compost under the plant substrate, as this intensifies the coloration of the rosettes - but really little!