Ysop is one of the hardy herbs

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
VELDA - Ysop
Video: VELDA - Ysop


Hyssop, like other kitchen herbs, is sufficiently hardy

Ysop is one of the hardy herbs

Ysop comes from the south and feels comfortable in a sunny spot. Its frost resistance has enabled it to establish itself in the Central European climate. As early as the Middle Ages, hyssop was valued as a medicinal herb and spice herb.

Early article Ysop is versatile

Ysop is also called iron or hive, as well as vinegar, vine or Josefskraut.Its botanical name is Hyssopus officinalis, it is one of the mint family. Ysop is distributed from southern Europe to western Asia. It grows as a subshrub on dry, stony soils. Ysop flowers in bright blue from June to October. The flowers exude an intense, spicy fragrance that attracts all sorts of insects.

Hyssop in the garden

The cultivation of the Ysops in the garden is not difficult. He needs only a few things to thrive, including:

Further care measures, such. B. frequent pouring or fertilizing are not required. The cut is made immediately after flowering. The best time for it is August, so that the plant can recover until the onset of winter. If you have missed this time, you should wait with the cut until spring. In very cold winters, the old branches provide sufficient winter protection. In very mild winters they stay green. The cut is then carried out before the re-launch in March.

Hyssop on the balcony

For the cultivation of the Hyssopus officinalis on the balcony one needs a sufficiently spacious bucket, because the plant develops over time to a approximately 30-60 cm large shrub. The same rules apply to location and care as to outdoor culture. However, the potted plants - especially the young plants - should receive appropriate protection in permanent frost.


It is easiest to multiply hyssop with seeds that you can buy for a small price anywhere in the specialized trade. It should be noted that the seeds are light germs.