Only properly stored nuts will last for a long time

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Best Ways To Store Nuts to Last The Longest - Why Are Nuts Healthy
Video: Best Ways To Store Nuts to Last The Longest - Why Are Nuts Healthy


Nuts keep their taste longer without being peeled

Only properly stored nuts will last for a long time

They are good for baking and nibbling, are sprinkled on salads or grated into muesli. Nuts are versatile and still healthy. But most of the time a residual amount remains. The high oil content is a challenge during storage. Read here how it can be mastered.

What harms the nuts?

Nuts are a product of nature and inevitably subject to change. But how long they actually last depends on a few factors.

Store unshelled nuts

Unshelled nuts should be left in the peel for as long as possible, because it is their natural protection. Until consumption is a dark and dry place for their storage optimal.

Whole nuts are stored in airy nets. Your well-being temperature is between 10 and 18 degrees Celsius. Then they keep it out for several months without suffering quality losses.

Peeled nuts are more sensitive

When the nuts are stripped of their shell, it makes them more sensitive to all external influences. This sensitivity increases when the nuts are crushed. Because of the high perishability, chopped and ground nuts should be used up quickly.

Store opened bags in the fridge

Peeled and chopped nuts can be stored well in the fridge. So that they do not accept the taste of cheese, sausage and Co., they may only come in an airtight packaging in the refrigerator.

At the latest after four to six weeks you should bake a delicious nut cake. The nuts do not last much longer in the fridge.

Nuts are more durable in the freezer

Nuts are better off in a chillier environment than in the fridge. In an airtight container, peeled and chopped nuts can retain their aroma in the freezer for a full year.

Rancid and moldy nuts, what to do?

Spoiled nuts are not only inedible, but also harmful to health. Dispose of all nuts that have the following characteristics:


Almonds, pistachios and Brazil nuts are particularly susceptible to mold. This also applies to all other nut varieties that have long been on a damp ground.