Grow moss yourself - instructions for 3 simple methods

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Propagate Your Own Moss
Video: How to Propagate Your Own Moss


Moss is best pulled from moss

Grow moss yourself - instructions for 3 simple methods

To take advantage of the many benefits of moss in the garden and rooms, you can cultivate the green land plant specifically. In daily practice, the following 3 methods have emerged as uncomplicated and promising in this respect. This guide explains step by step how to grow moss yourself.

Bringing dried moss to life - that's how it works

To green a shady spot in the bed of moss, use the unique survival power of this rootless land plant. Purchase dried moss from your favorite Laubmoos- or Lebermoosart. Spread the material on a thin layer of peat sand and spray it regularly with water. Within a few weeks, the area is covered with a dense, rich green moss carpet.

Skillfully cultivate moss with buttermilk - How to do it right

Do you dream of a wild-romantic wall, facade or stone sculpture, covered with a velvety-green patina of moss? Then use the congenial partnership of moss and buttermilk to cultivate moss on vertical, shady areas. That is how it goes:

Apply the moss milk to the surface with a brush. Alternatively, use natural yoghurt, which is also suitable as an addition. In order to develop an even Moosteppich, the green area is sprayed daily with water.

This is how you breed your own moss out of spores

As a rootless spore plant, moss can not be used with seeds to cultivate a green carpet by sowing. With a little flair, you can still breed moss from the extremely fine spores. This method has proven particularly useful for greening the root plate of a bonsai. This is how you proceed professionally:

A fine-grained, lean substrate is well suited as a growing soil for moss spores. Moisten the soil slightly and transfer the spores with a fine brush. Then slip a transparent plastic bag over the container as a moist, warm microclimate forces growth. In the following time, pour from below to avoid rinsing the very fine spores from the substrate.


To breed moss in a quick process, impatient hobby gardeners use the division. For this purpose, collect small pieces of moss padding in the forest or garden. The nursery is a planter, small pots or, ideally, a glassy miniature greenhouse. On a 5 cm thick substrate layer of peat and sand, plant the moss pieces at a distance of 3-5 cm and spray with soft water daily.