Freeze lasagna - step-by-step instructions and tips

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Meat and Cheese Lasagna ~ Freezer Banking ~ Bulk Cooking ~ Homemade Fast Food ~ Noreen’s Kitchen
Video: Meat and Cheese Lasagna ~ Freezer Banking ~ Bulk Cooking ~ Homemade Fast Food ~ Noreen’s Kitchen


Lasagna can be stored frozen for several months

Freeze lasagna - step-by-step instructions and tips

Lasagna is incredibly delicious - and terribly elaborate in preparation. Did you make too much lasagna or would you like to conjure two of them instead of one to enjoy one directly and pick up the other for a later date? In both cases, freezing is the best way to extend the shelf life of the delicious dish by a few months. Our guide will explain you every step.

General tips for freezing lasagna

From the beginning, do you know how to create more lasagna than you will eat (immediately)? Then use a freeze-friendly lasagna recipe. Specifically, that means you should use only fresh ingredients, not frozen ones. Otherwise, defrosting, re-freezing and re-thawing will contaminate the lasagna with bacteria. Also for the taste and consistency, it is better to freeze lasagna made from fresh ingredients.

Lay your lasagna directly into a pases jar that is suitable for both baking and freezing. A large part of the glass or ceramic forms meets this requirement. Under no circumstances should you use aluminum bowls. The lasagna could assume a metallic aroma in such a vessel - not very appetizing. If you have no element that is suitable for baking and freezing, you must reposition the lasagna before and after freezing (from your baking dish to the freeze-proof container and back).

Whether you freeze the lasagna before or after baking does not play a crucial role in terms of taste - but certainly in terms of preparation. A baked lasagna should be brought to room temperature before freezing. This means that you must first let the delicacy cool down completely. Otherwise, your lasagna will lose quality both in terms of texture and taste. If the food should be baked after freezing, you do not need to do anything.

That's how you freeze your lasagna properly

    Cover the lasagna as airtight as possible with frost-resistant plastic wrap. Wrap it with several layers to keep it fresh (it is best to wrap the foil around the whole tube to avoid holes and freezer burn). Do not use aluminum foil - it could seriously affect the taste of lasagna. With a very large amount of lasagna, it makes sense to portion them. Each serving then gets its own vessel. This has the advantage that you can eat a piece of lasagna as a snack if you are a little hungry. Cut your creation but after cooling in portions. So the individual pieces disintegrate less. Label the container (s) with the date to keep track (for durability). Put the lasagna in the freezer.

Note: Lasagna lasts up to three months in the freezer - with or without meat.

How to thaw your lasagna properly

    Bring the lasagna out of the freezer the night before the scheduled consumption to allow it to thaw overnight in the refrigerator. If you are baking partially frozen lasagne, it will be heated unevenly, which will damage both the taste and the texture. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius (ideal for all recipes!). Remove the plastic foil from the lasagna container. If necessary, pour the lasagne into a baking dish. Cover the baking tin with aluminum foil at the top. This will prevent the top layer from becoming excessively dark. Put the lasagna in the oven and bake in it for about 40 to 60 minutes. Remove the aluminum foil for the last ten minutes of the baking process to get a delicious crunchy crust. Sprinkle the lasagne with fresh basil or oregano and serve.