Plant a mulberry tree properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Reasons To Plant A Mulberry Tree!
Video: 5 Reasons To Plant A Mulberry Tree!


Plant a mulberry tree properly

Mulberry trees are quite easy to satisfy, but only in the ideal location and in the best conditions can they develop perfectly. When planting, make sure that your mulberry tree has good starting conditions.

Next article The diversity of mulberry trees

The best location for a mulberry tree

Since mulberry trees can grow quite large, they also need a lot of space. Plan about half the final height as a distance to the neighbor or your own house. Incompatibilities with other plants are unknown. Mulberry trees like a sunny or partially shaded location.

The best time to plant

The best season for planting a mulberry in the field is autumn. So the young tree can root well before the frost comes. In the first winter, however, is to advise a winter shelter. If you want to plant your mulberry tree in a tub, you can do this all year round.

The right soil for a mulberry tree

Mulberry trees need a loose, well-drained soil, because they do not tolerate waterlogging. Maybe a drainage of gravel can help here. They need a lot of nutrients so that they can bear plenty of fruit. A weak alkaline or pH neutral soil is to their liking.

Planting the mulberry tree

Multiply mulberry trees

Mulberry trees can be multiplied by cuttings. Remove from a 20 cm long green wood, the lower leaves and put it in potting or normal garden soil.

The second variant is the sowing of seeds from ripe fruits or purchased seeds in May in a seed pot. After about two to five weeks, the seeds should germinate.

Tips & Tricks

First, look for the location and then the mulberry tree, which will make your later care easier.