Cut a tangerine tree properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Prune a Tangerine Tree
Video: How to Prune a Tangerine Tree


Cut a tangerine tree properly

The tangerine is a wild plant in southern China and is one of the citrus fruits most commonly cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates. At the beginning of the 19th century, the mandarin was introduced as a crop in the Mediterranean area. The evergreen tree can grow up to seven meters high in its natural environment and also tends to grow thickly bushy.

Early article The care of the mandarin tree Next article Tangerine tree properly overwinter

The optimal time

Mandarin trees should be pruned as far as possible in spring. The best time is at the end of the winter season, before the first shoots shoot out. if this is not possible, you can prune the tree directly after flowering. However, you should hurry, because shortly thereafter, the first new buds are formed - and these should better stay on the tree. In particular, the cut before the new shoot stimulates the mandarin tree increasingly for new shoot formation, so that a dense crown can develop. Otherwise, you can remove a cheekily alert shoot or a miserable / dried branch all year round.


When pruning the tangerine tree, do the following:

For cutting, it is best to use sharp scissors such as a pair of scissors or a sharp knife. Mandarins can be grown both as a shrub and as a high stem.

Tips & Tricks

When repotting your tangerine tree, you should take a close look at the root ball and remove any dead or damaged roots. Only then, the conversion takes place in a new, larger pot.