The girl's eye as a garden shrub: hardy or not?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The girl's eye as a garden shrub: hardy or not? - Garden
The girl's eye as a garden shrub: hardy or not? - Garden


Some types of girl's eyes are hardy

The girl's eye as a garden shrub: hardy or not?

As a traditional plant in the cottage garden, the maiden eye is particularly known with orange-yellow flowers, but there are now a wealth of flower colors and shapes in the shops. Not all subspecies of the so-called beautiful faces are easily hardy, but this can be partially helped.

The wintering of girl eyes in the field

Even short-lived subspecies of the genus Coreopsis can sometimes be stimulated in mild climates as in the winemaking climate to a renewed expulsion in spring, when her herb is cut back just after flowering to just above the ground. Longer-lived varieties can be overwintered directly in the bed, but sometimes tolerate only minus degrees in the range of -12 to -20 degrees Celsius.Therefore, after pruning in autumn you should be covered with a protective layer, which may consist of the following materials:

Some gardeners also prefer pruning in the spring and allow the withered leaves to stand over the roots of the plants over the winter as a protective layer.

The wintering of the beautiful faces in the pot

All potted plants are exposed to wintering in the field usually still colder temperatures, since the insulating effect of the soil substrate can have limited access. Therefore, girls eyes in the pot should not only be covered with leaves or other mulch layer, but if possible wrapped with a protective fleece and placed in a south facing next to a house wall. In addition, a styrofoam plate placed between the bottom and the planter protects against the cold from below.

Water wintering plants sufficiently

It is important in free range as well as top specimens of the girl's eye, in addition to the temperature protection in winter to pay attention to a sufficient water supply. Therefore, you should water the plants moderately in winter with Kahlfrösten on frost-free days. Finally, drought damage to many plant species in winter poses a far greater threat than the actual freezing of plants. Also in this regard, a mulch layer over the bed proves to be practical, since the soil so less dries in the winter by wind and sun.


Even perennial and hardy species of the girl's eye have no upwardly open life, but can be forgiven after four or five years. To prevent this, it is advisable to carefully dig out long-lived varieties at the same site after about three years and multiply them by division.