The care of the Madagascar palm is not expensive

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Madagascar Palm - Complete Succulent Plant Care Guide  (For Beginners)
Video: Madagascar Palm - Complete Succulent Plant Care Guide (For Beginners)


Good care rewards the Madagascar palm with exotic flowers

The care of the Madagascar palm is not expensive

The Madagascar palm (offered by Pachypodium lamerei) is also called thick-foot because of its thick trunk. It is not a palm, but belongs to the succulents and is unfortunately poisonous. The care of Madagascar palms is very easy and ideal for beginners. How to care for the Madagascar palm.

Next article You should never cut a Madagascar palm

How is the Madagascar Palm watered properly?

As a succulent plant, the Madagascar palm copes well with periods of drought. Waterlogging, however, does not tolerate it at all. Never pour too much. It is enough if the root ball is just wet.

Never leave watering water in the saucer or planter.

The humidity does not have to be high. Therefore, you do not need to spray the plant.

When and how do you fertilize a Madagascar palm properly?

Only fertilize carefully if at all. A monthly fertilizer is enough. Use cactus fertilizer. Reduce the quantities of fertilizer stated on the packaging considerably.

Do you have to cut a Madagascar palm?

You should not cut a Madagascar palm. They may cut off discolored leaves.

To win offshoots, cut off side shoots in the spring.

When is it time to repot?

Madagascar palms are very fast growing, but only have to be repotted every two years. The old substrate is completely replaced.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Illnesses are almost always triggered by too much wetness. When waterlogged, the trunk and leaves can rot and wither. Often it helps to repopulate the Madagascar palm in fresh substrate and do not pour it for a long time.

Scale insects occasionally occur. An infestation leads to discoloration and the shedding of individual leaves. He should be fought immediately.

If the plant loses all leaves, it enters the resting phase. This is a natural process and not worrisome. The leaves are moving out again at the beginning of the next growth phase.

How is the succulent plant properly wintered?

Madagascar palms must be wintered frost-free. You can spend the winter in the warm living room as well as in the dark cellar.

During the resting period in winter, pour the plant only sip-wise to prevent the rotten roots. It is not fertilized in winter.


If the Madagascar palm gets shriveled leaves, the plant needs more moisture. As a succulent plant, it stores water in the leaves. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves dry out.