Plant laurel properly as a garden plant and spice

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant a Culinary Herb Garden! DIY Kitchen Garden
Video: How to Plant a Culinary Herb Garden! DIY Kitchen Garden


Plant laurel properly as a garden plant and spice

The real laurel is known not only in the form of laurel wreaths as a trophy. The leaves of the plant have been harvested for centuries as a spice and medicinal herb for various applications.

Where do you get healthy plants from?

The real laurel is available in well-assorted specialist shops for garden plants in pots and usually found in the spice plants. But you can also pull the real laurel from seeds and cultivate it like a container plant.

What is the ideal location for the laurel?

The real laurel actually comes from southern countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, a location in the garden or on the balcony should be as warm and sunny as possible. However, the cultivation in the pot also requires a regular water supply, as wind and sun can dry potted plants very quickly. Only in particularly mild locations can real laurel remain in Central Europe year-round in the field, usually you have to overwinter it with the pot in a cool and bright winter quarters.

How can you plant the laurel in a particularly gentle way?

When planting laurel in mild regions such as the Rhine ditch you do not need to dig a very deep hole, as the laurel is not very deep rooted. But loosen the substrate well, so that the fine roots can branch well. If you want to plant a laurel bush overwintered in the pot during the summer season in the garden, you have to get used to it for a few days in the shade of the outdoor life. Thereafter, if the weather is not too hot, it will survive the planting well, if it is then watered well.

Can laurel be transplanted?

Basically, the real laurel is not very sensitive when it is transplanted. In potted plants should be done every one to two years transplanting into a new pot, while the pot size of the plant size can be adjusted accordingly.

How to multiply the laurel?

The real laurel can be relatively easily propagated through cuttings or seeds. For the propagation by cuttings about 15 centimeters long cuttings are cut and placed in unfertilized water. As soon as the first roots appear, you can plant the cuttings in a loose substrate.

Tips & Tricks

The leaves of the real laurel are perfect as a spice for: