The optimal choice of location for lavender

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Yung Lean ♦ Ginseng Strip 2002 ♦
Video: Yung Lean ♦ Ginseng Strip 2002 ♦


The optimal choice of location for lavender

A lush flowering fragrance garden with roses, lavender and all kinds of wonderful summer flowers is the dream of every gardener. For this project to succeed, however, the needs of individual plants must be known and implemented. Lavender, for example, does not need much care, but it has very specific requirements for its location.

Lavender loves sun and warmth

Lavender comes from the Mediterranean region, where summers are very long, hot and dry, while winters are mild. In his homeland, the lush flowering subshrubs are spoiled by the sun, which is why he prefers a sunny and sheltered spot in Germany as well. A location in the shade or shade should be avoided if possible - there you will not have much fun with the sun-hungry lavender.

Lavender in the apartment

Many would like to keep the pretty and fragrant lavender as a houseplant in the apartment. Basically, this is possible, but you should note the following:

Dry, sandy and not too sour should be the optimal soil

The lavender is used to dry and nutrient-poor soils. He has adapted so well to the conditions of his homeland that he can still extract water and nutrients from the earth with his very deep tap roots, even from several meters deep. Therefore, the soil should be as sparse as possible, also dry, because lavender tolerates no waterlogging. A sandy or rocky soil is best, while heavy loam or peat soil should be worked on before planting.

Tips & Tricks

Lavender is often planted together with roses. Make sure, however, that both plants have quite different demands on soil and care. Socialization only works if you pay attention to these differences.