When does the Kalanchoe bloom?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get Maximum Blooms in Kalanchoe / Secret Fertilizer for Kalanchoe Flowering
Video: How to get Maximum Blooms in Kalanchoe / Secret Fertilizer for Kalanchoe Flowering


Already in February Kalanchoe shows its first flowers

When does the Kalanchoe bloom?

In addition to representatives with rather inconspicuous flowers are various Kalanchoe species such as the Flaming Katy cultivated primarily for their flowering ability. The extremely easy-care succulents they are a pretty splash of color on the windowsill, especially as they drive their flower umbels just when other plants hold hibernation.

The main flowering time

The short-term flowering plant already flowers in February and flowers, provided that only the flowered heads are carefully cleaned until well into July.

In order for the Kalanchoe to plant flowers at all, it is important that the plant is no longer surrounded by daylight for more than nine hours from November onwards. If necessary, cover the succulent with a cardboard cut to size, as even the artificial light that is switched on at night prevents flower formation.


If the temperature drops below 18 degrees, the Kalanchoe flowers very hesitantly. So if you leave the plant cold, you can effectively delay the onset of flowering.