Creeping Günsel - An old medicinal plant

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Creeping Günsel - An old medicinal plant - Garden
Creeping Günsel - An old medicinal plant - Garden


Creeping Günsel has a blood and analgesic effect

Creeping Günsel - An old medicinal plant

The Günsel (Ajuga) are a widespread family of herbaceous perennials, among which the creeping Günsel protrudes. Therefore we would like to introduce to you the peculiarities of the ancient medicinal plant Ajuga reptans.

The peculiarities of the creeping Günsels

In earlier times, the creeping Günsel was referred to by the botanists as "Consolida media", a name that is due to the traditional use of herbs as a medicinal plant to promote wound healing. The Latin word "consolidare" means "to contract" and refers to both the painful and bleeding-like properties of Creeping Ginsels.

Similar ingredients to Devil's Claw

In addition to essential oils, tannic acids, glycosides and other ingredients, the creeping Günsel contains the glycoside harpagoside. This substance is otherwise found only in the devil's claw, a herb that is traditionally used for osteoarthritis and rheumatism. Probably the creeping Günsel has similar analgesic effects in problems in the joints and in the back.

Special position within the Günsel

But its ingredients are not the only special thing about creeping Günsel. Within the family of Günsel Ajuga reptans is also pretty much the only representative that can be used both as a medicinal plant and in the kitchen. Between May and June, you can gather the leaves, shoots and flowers of Creeping Ginsels and use either fresh or dried in salads, soups, stews or casseroles. But beware: Since the creeping Günsel tastes quite bitter (similar to chicory), you should use it only very sparingly. The milder-tasting flowers also go very well with desserts and fruit.


Another peculiarity of the creeping Günsels is its ability to quickly cover the floor by numerous foothills. For this reason, the wild plant is also like to plant for quick greening of land as well as under trees or hedges in gardens. Ajuga reptans is a very versatile herb!