This is how the care of the coral berry succeeds

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pearl Berry
Video: Pearl Berry


The coral berry does not like direct midday sun

This is how the care of the coral berry succeeds

The coral berry is with its eye-catching, about pea-sized berries as a so-called fruit ornamental plant and has a certain similarity with the guards in the garden as a bush snowberry. Coral berries are considered to be moderately difficult to care for, but they are also extremely decorative at the site with the necessary attention.

How much water does the coral berry need?

The coral berry (Nertera granadensis), cultivated as a houseplant, should be watered sparingly every two to three days in summer. During winter hibernation, the coral berry likes it a bit drier. You should always pour this plant over a coaster or close to the substrate surface. If the flowers are doused with water, it could be difficult with the formation of bright orange fruits. In addition, as lime-free or decalcified water should be used for casting.

How can a coral berry be replanted without affecting growth?

The coral berry is transplanted either at the beginning of spring or in late summer (when the berries have fallen off). As a substrate, you can use ordinary potting soil. When repotting, you can also share the coral berry and multiply in this way.

When and how should a coral berry be cut?

Since the coral berry grows without any parental cut as compact as a bobbed head or the star moss, cutting measures normally do not necessarily have to be carried out. Withered plant parts or leaves coated with gray mold should be removed as fast as possible, because a coral berry can otherwise be astonishingly fast.

Which pests can be a problem with the coral berry?

An aphid attack can take on the coral berry especially threatening proportions, if the plant is overwintered too warm.

Is the coralberry usually infested with disease?

Basically, the coral berry is not prone to disease symptoms, as long as it is not poured over with the pouring water during casting or wintering under the wrong conditions.

How is a coral berry optimally fertilized?

When fertilizing, the following things should be considered:

Over-fertilized coral berries grow particularly vigorously, but form little or no flowers and berries.

What should be considered during the winter months when caring for the coral berry?

The ideal winter quarters for the coral berry should be as bright as possible at a constant temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius.


Similar to the Blue Lieschen, the coral berry should be illuminated by sufficient morning and evening sun, but should be spared from direct sunlight at lunchtime.