Fight pests on lettuce

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dealing with aphids on lettuce with neem oil
Video: Dealing with aphids on lettuce with neem oil


Snail nets provide good help against the voracious pests

Fight pests on lettuce

Snails like to eat lettuce, but aphids also like to settle on the round lettuce heads. What you can do to prevent such pests and how to prevent them is explained below.

Early article pique lettuce properly Next article Treat diseases on lettuce

Prevent pests

Weakened lettuce in particular is a target for diseases and pests. Therefore, you should maintain your lettuce as follows and thus prevent infestation:

In addition, you can protect your lettuce from pest infestation as follows:

Get rid of snails

The most effective anti-snail agent is the like. In case of strong snail infestation it is advisable to install worm fences afterwards.
Some guidebooks recommend the handle to pesticide slug pellets. However, this is not only very brutal to the snails, but also extremely harmful to pets. Therefore, it is strongly advised not to use this chemical vermin if you have pets or small children.

Recognize and combat aphids

The sooner you detect aphid infestation, the better the pests can be combated. Aphids can have very different colors: from black to green to reddish colored insects belong to the aphid family. But not only on the little beasts can be detected an infestation. In addition it comes to:

Aphids can often fight effectively with simple home remedies. Effective is for example:

Sprinkle the affected lettuce every day (!) With the appropriate remedy for several days until no more pests are visible. Make sure that your lettuces are not exposed to direct sunlight immediately after treatment as it may react with the pest and burn the leaves.

Stay away from chemistry!

Although chemical manufacturers continue to stubbornly claim that their chemicals are not detrimental to health, numerous independent (!) Studies are constantly proving the opposite. Therefore, keep chemical pesticides at a safe distance. After all, you want to eat your salad without hesitation!